A lot of people have different opposing views when it comes to applying for personal loan for any reason at all. For some it may be to fill an urgent need that requires an urgent attention.

Personal loan
Photo Credit – freerangestock

While for some others, they are not in support it at all. This might bedue to the fact that they didn’t pay when they ought to do and they had to dance to the music.

However, there is always a bright side to everything. This article will be focusing on reasons for taking ‘Personal loans in the first Place.

before that, let’s look into the definition of Personal loans. It can simply  be defined as a form of credit that can help you make a big purchase  or consolidate high-interest debts. They are paid back depending on the agreement you had with the loan company till you clear off the debt.

That been said, let’s look at the reasons that demands for one to take a personal loan.


  1. FOR EMERGENCE: Unexpected circumstances do occur in unexpected ways and as such, they need urgent attention. They are unplanned for and it can happen to anyone at anywhere without prior notice.
    It could be health related issues, natural disasters, fire outbreak. In order to solve this issues immediately, the intervention of a personal loan is very much needed. When everything calms down, payment will gradually be made.
  2. TO COVER TRAVEL EXPENSES: If you do need to travel urgently for an important journey and do not want to be stranded half-way, then you need a personal loan to finance it sufficiently . It won’t look good to hear stuffs like ‘Sir/Ma, your card has been declined’ or ‘You have not fully paid for your meal’. No onewill like that kind of embarrassment. Absolutely no one. A successful trip is better than one that is laced with regret and bitterness .
  3. REFURNISHING: Everyone if not all is attracted to aesthetic beauty. For your Home or Office to be renewed, it therefore requires money. Certain repairs also have to carried out like plumbing work to avoid offensive odour oozing out of your apartment . Another one is making electrical repairs for the safety of the household.Getting a loan for these services is truly worth it and others will come to appreciate it and you can also be confident that it has been used for a good purpose.Even though a personal loan is involved, it is still a smart move to make changes compared to buying a new home.
  4. BUILDING LOAN CREDIT: Another reason why some  opt for personal loan is to build credit history. This might be for a short term or long term purpose depending on the person collecting it.This affords the person the opportunity to bid for higher loans in the long run when there is a need for it.

  5. MARRIAGE CEREMONY:  Without an iota of doubt, marriage ceremonies comes with a lot of expenses. Starting from the venue, bride’s dress, cake, Dj etc. One way to finance it without touching Savings or Emergency funds is to get a personal loan.
  6. BUYING OF APPLIANCES: If there is a need to get appliances like Fridge, Dryer or Washing machine and some other appliances, a personal loan fits into that purpose. Since you will be making use of this on a regular basis, getting a loan saves you time rather than opting for an expensive alternative.
  7. CONSOLIDATION OF DEBT: This right here is another problem on its own. It involves paying for other existing debts when you have problem paying them up. Again, personal loan comes to the rescue to save you. It is actually one of the most common reason for taking a person loan. But then, it has its own advantages and one of it is that you can reduce the amount of interest you pay and the amount of time it takes to pay off the debt.


Here are some the reasons for taking a personal loan and it’s usefulness. However, it is not advisable to make it a habit because whether you like it or not, you are still going to pay it coupled with an interest.

It is advisable that you utilize it and go for a payment mode that won’t affect you when it is time to pay up.

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