Technology has changed and is constantly changing different sectors in the world, Insurance, inclusive! The insurance industry has over the years constantly state revolved making it hard to keep up with all the trends and emerging technologies that are shaping the future landscape for the industry. Hence, it’s also important to be aware of them so you can get ahead of what’s coming next.

Several developments including the complicated legacy systems are been modernized by several insurance companies, Constructions are set up in the developed economy for the insurance industry, and new methods of working are been discovered daily.

Some of the emerging trends that would impact career opportunities in the insurance sector are demands from customers, innovations from the digital market, blockchain technologies, cybercrime, harsh market conditions.  Hence in this article, we’ll explore some key trends impacting the insurance space today and how they will impact your future career opportunities in the insurance field.

1). Artificial Intelligence (AI).

2). Blockchain technology.

3). Telematics data is being used for more than just car accidents.

4). The rise in cybercrime.

5). Insurance shifting from reactive to proactive.

The insurance industry is changing. The landscape of the future is unclear but what we do know is that the need for skilled professionals is going to grow exponentially in the coming years.

What can you do now to position yourself as a leader in this field?  This blog post will give you some insight into what’s happening now and how it’ll impact your future career opportunities.

A lot of people think insurance means being bored at a desk filling out paperwork, but there have been so many changes in recent years with new technologies and innovations, not to mention all the issues around cyber security, natural disasters, and terrorism – these are just some of the things that keep us on our toes! It might be time to rethink where your skills could take you…

Hence, let’s dive into the five trends shaping the insurance industry.

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The impact of artificial intelligence is very huge, and the potential can influence every sector of the insurance industry, developing new methods, and improving how things are run in the industry.

Underwriting, error encounter, malicious and fraud prevention, and pricing are specialized functions that will be given out by the AI. These functions are been overhauled making use of the transversal tech.

AI will also help the insurance industry enhance personalization and automation through different efficient data collection methods.

Yes, AI is still developing and requires humans to operate, however, it’s part of the future, and companies that fail to adopt the AI system now might regret it when the automation versions are released.


  • Shift technology.
  • Carpe data.

Shift technology, a form of Artificial intelligence offers software that is AI-based known as anti-claims fraud detection software.

It is developed especially for the insurance company, tackling the challenges insurers encounter using insurance automation solutions.

  • Carpe data.

AI is used by this company to acquire and rebrand new/emerging data sources. Enhancing each sector in the insurance industry, Cape data also refine alternative data sources.

  • Blockchain technology.

The creation of a digital ledger that cannot be hacked is only possible through Blockchain technology using very rigid security.

Making use of this technology, third-party costs incurred such as checking payments and reviewing claims known as admin costs can be reduced by the insurers. Blockchain enables that important files to be protected against fraud and can easily be verified.

PWC stated Blockchain could reduce the procedures involved in the process resulting in about $5billion and more in the potential savings of the world, this could be beneficial to reinsurers.

Hence, Blockchain can improve the workflow, helps increase transparency, and can be led worldwide without being duplicated.

For example, Costs could easily be reduced, and time saved by reinsurers in the business sector making use of smart Blockchain contracts to track insurance history and confirm consumer data.

  • Telematics data is being used for more than just car accidents.

Telecommunications and informatics known as Telematics is the combination of the telecommunication and information technology system. A technology that supports the receiving, processing, analyzing, and sending of information using the telematics system.

Telematic data contains most elements of interest to Underwriters, such as; Global positioning system ( GPS), airbag deployment, rapid acceleration, moles covered by the car, and hard braking.

Telematic data mostly shows the form of telematics technology used and the readiness to share personal data by the policyholders.

The data are evaluated by the insurance company and then charges the insurance cost according to your speed rate. For example, driving at a higher speed and covering a long distance will incur more rates than another diver covering a short distance at a moderate speed.

Using UBI, rates are calculated using different methods, including smart card systems, debits accounts, making use of gas pumps among others.

Telematics data enhances road safety, all-day vehicle security, theft recovery, driving tips among others. It can be used to get comprehensive vehicles coverage, offering you control over the insurance company.

  • The rise in cybercrime.

Cybercrimes are among the top risks involved in the insurance, financial, and all other sectors worldwide. The frequency of the incidents and the effects of Cybercrime In the insurance sector has increased over the years.

Insurers have recently reported an increased rate of malware and other cybercrime attempts on their system.

Due to the possession of important confidential data such as personal information of policyholders, pricing, policies, products, insurance companies are majorly prone to cybercrimes attacks.

Insurers usually collect a lot of personal data of their clients; hence the sector has been at risk of cybercrimes.

Therefore, cybersecurity is vital to the insurance industry and news is to be made available due to the amount of data saved by industries in the sector.

  • Insurance shifting from reactive to proactive;

In the Insurance sector, it’s vital to keep pace, however, the most vital emergent won’t be an increase in live text support, but a basic re-evaluation of the entire program.

The model had always been focused on resolving problems after they happened, rather than preventing their occurrence. Hence, shifting from reactive means to proactive means.

Using data to prevent problems. Different data are available to consumers, from vital statistics, smart home data, among others.

The Insurance sector is shifting to a proactive pace, seeking feedback from the customers, not giving chances, and most importantly they are keeping on track. Some insurers are already on the track of moving from being reactive to being proactive.

  • Conclusion.

The insurance industry which is also changing and is in constant flux requires more proactive strategies. The transformation of the technology sector has brought with it several trends that would impact future career opportunities in the field.

Insurance is here to stay, and with the right resources insurance can improve potentials using proactive skills, hence, the above are five trends that are most likely going to shape the insurance industry.

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