What Does Home Insurance Cover? A Detailed Guide. 

Home insurance is a form of property package insurance, that serves as a backup in case of damages to residence, losses of properties, among other assets available in the home.

It also provides financial coverages in case of accidents, personal and properties in the home.

Home insurance is paramount to every home, it protects and secures your home by giving financial protection.

Every stand homeowner’s insurance insures the home and belongings from any catastrophe such as fire.


  • What is covered in home insurance?

  • Homeowners Insurance or Home Insurance covers losses that are not caused by an act of war, nuclear accident, hazardous spills, or explosions.
  • It typically includes protection for the house itself (building) and its contents (furniture).
  • The building coverage pays for repairs after a disaster such as a fire, lightning strike, hurricane, etc.
  • Content’s coverage pays for replacing things like furniture and clothing that are stolen, destroyed by storm damage, or losses due to malfunctioning appliances.
  • You can purchase many different types of coverage for different needs. For example, you may want to add on flood insurance if you live in an area prone to flooding.

The home is among the most valuable possession to humans; therefore, it is important to protect it against fire, theft, vandalism e.t.c.

  • When to contact your insurer.

You are advised to get in touch with your insurance company within a time frame of 72 hours of the occurrence of the incident. However, the coverage policy you acquired may contain details on the notification procedures.

  • Why do I need home insurance at all, what are the risks of not having it.

Homeowners no matter where they are in the world require home insurance to protect their house from losses or any damages that might take place. The insurance policy does not only cover the damages that occur but also reduces the financial burden on the client.

Accidents are unpredictable, you never can tell when they occur and it wouldn’t hurt to be safe, right? What does home insurance cover? Do you have a backup plan just in case your home gets flooded or a fire outbreak?

This article will help you to understand what is covered and also give you some pointers on how to be on the safer side against any unexpected occurrence in the home.


  • Homeowners insurance covers your home and its contents.

Under this insurance policy, it entails the company providing insurance coverage to rebuild and repair a damaged home. The policy covers damages caused by fire, lightning, hail, among other occurrences under the policy.

Furniture, home appliances, and other contents of your home are covered by the insurance company. Some insurance company also supports a policy called “off-premises”, which means in case of theft involving properties, you can get insurance from whichever part of the world.

The coverage rate is usually about 50% to 70% of the insurance you have on the house.

  • Your policy may cover liability such as when someone gets injured while visiting your home

Home insurance also protects you from claims made by others on your personal properties. For instance, let’s say your kid breaks the vase of your neighbor. Or, if someone visiting your home gets injured on your property, your insurer will pay for the vase and also cover the medical expenses.

This policy also covers damages caused by you or your family to other people or properties. The commonly known liability limit is $100,000; however, it is important to discuss if you’d like to purchase much higher insurance protection.

  • The cost of coverage varies depending on the type of coverage, the size of your house, and where you live. 

Where your home is located, and the size of your home has a big impact on the type of coverage you’d purchase. Where you live is one of the biggest factors that determine the price, you’d pay for insurance cover. For example, if you live at a place that is prone to natural disasters such as hurricanes, you’d likely pay a higher price.

When the size of your house is relatively large, you’d be required to pay an insurance fee at a much higher range compared to others. The cost of each coverage varies, hence the policy you signed for is another factor that affects the cost you’d pay.

  • You can buy additional policies that provide more specific coverage such as flood damage or earthquake protection.

Damages cost by flood or earthquake might require extra protection, you may consider buying additional types of coverage for this type of situation, either as a different policy or an addition to your home insurance.

Regular home insurance does not cover some disasters such as floods and earthquakes, so if the area you live in is prone to those disasters, we’d recommend you purchase a different policy separately.

  • Some items are excluded from homeowner’s insurance, including jewelry, coins, art collections, and other valuables.

Some of the most valuable items in your home might be less protected because they are limits to the liability of some items because of the high price. The standard policy has been kept low, to keep the coverage affordable.

In the insurance papers, it clearly states that the insurer wouldn’t pay more than a specified amount. Therefore, if you have expensive items such as jewelry, art collections, fur, and other valuable items, you are advised to create a specified insurance policy for them.

  • Conclusion.

If you’re a homeowner, it’s important to know that your homeowner’s insurance covers the structure of your house and any personal belongings.

It also offers liability coverage in case someone is injured on your property or if something happens outside like a tree uprooting and damaging cars parked nearby. But what do you do when there’s been an accident? Following the above tips will help for filing a claim with ease when you find it necessary.

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